
Anything's Possible 5

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As it got closer to Christmas, Blaine watched Kurt and Oliver get closer and closer. Everyone in their group of misfits seemed to be ecstatic for Kurt, and he was starting to feel like he was the only one who thought this was just going to end in tears. But a week before Christmas found Blaine reading a novel one of his old friends sent him by the fire in the Gryffindor commons. Puck was across from him playing chess with Rachel, who was clearly winning. They all looked up when the portrait door swung open to reveal a very happy Kurt.
"Hey princess," Puck said with a nod, apparently the only one who didn't realize Kurt's mood.
Kurt sighed airily before falling onto the couch next to Blaine. "You seem happy," Blaine stated, receiving only a giggle in response. He raised an eyebrow in question, and apparently that was all the prompting Kurt needed.
"You will not believe what just happened to me, Blaine." He took a dramatic pause, "Oliver just asked me out!"
Rachel squealed happily from her place beside Puck, who nodded approvingly (though he was still focused on the game in front of him). Blaine, however, froze. It was a full minute of Rachel's squealing and Kurt's laughter before he managed to tell his brain to speak. "What?"
"Oliver asked me out! We were in the Library 'studying'," he put air quotes around the word with a wink in Rachel's direction, gaining another loud squeal of delight from the brunette, "When he stopped and asked me if I'd like to go on a date with him next Hogsmeade visit."
Blaine swallowed the newly-formed lump in his throat, "Oh."
"Isn't it great, Blaine?" Kurt prodded.
"Er… yeah," He forced a smile, "Yeah, that's brilliant Kurt. I've, er, I've gotta go send my mum a letter. Seeya later." He got up quickly and fled the room, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his gut as he headed up to the Owlery.
When he arrived Blaine saw Oliver himself sitting at the window, sending his own owl off. Blaine felt his anger spike, and it took all his self control not to slam him against the wall. Instead, he walked over to him and pulled him up by his collar.
"What the—Blaine?"
"What are you playing at, Shunpike?" Blaine demanded as he scowled at the boy, who was unfortunately quite a bit taller than him.
"I don't know what you're-"
"Oh c'mon, Shunpike. You know exactly what I'm talking about." When Oliver continued to give him a blank look, Blaine let out a groan, "Kurt. What the hell do you want with him?"
"I-I like him…"
"You ditched him; from the stories I've been told. Why are you suddenly interested in him?"
"People change, Blaine. I missed Kurt, and I hated that we didn't talk anymore."
Blaine glared up at him, trying to find some sort of sign that he was lying, that there was something else was going on, but Oliver looked sincere. "If you hurt him, I'm going to kill you." Blaine threw him back and spun around to head out of the Owlery, completely forgetting about the letter to his mum.
"Got a crush, Blaine?" Oliver called from behind him, but Blaine kept walking, trying to distance himself as much as possible so he wouldn't do anything rash, like punch his face in.
. . . . . . . .
Kurt woke extra early for the last Hogsmeade trip before Christmas so he could get ready for his date. He tiptoed into the bathroom with the outfit he had specially picked out, trying not to wake the others. He locked the door, cursing the communal bathrooms once more, before placing his clothes and products on the countertop. The butterflies in his stomach refused to go away as he showered and dressed, and he found himself cutting back on his skin routine. He emerged from the bathroom an hour later and walked straight into Blaine.
"Oh, good morning!" Kurt said cheerfully.
"Morning," Blaine grumbled in response, clearly not happy. He gave Kurt a once-over. "You look dashing."
"Thanks, it's for my-"
"Date, I know." They both laughed, though Blaine's sounded off, forced even. Kurt had noticed that he'd become more and more closed off since he had told him of his date with Oliver. "Well, I'm going to go shower. See you at breakfast."
"Yeah…" Kurt watched as he walked by, biting his lip nervously. He sighed, but headed back up to the dorms to put his clothes away. He found the room mostly empty, with only Puck in the room, still sound asleep. Kurt smiled, and walked over to the mohawked boy.
"Puck," He said, shaking his shoulder, "Puck, breakfast's in a couple of minutes."
He received a groan from the other boy, so Kurt shook him harder, "Wake up. Don't you have a date today?"
"Oh shit," Puck sat up straight, and looked over at the clock on his bedside table, "Jesus, Princess, wait long enough to wake me up?"
"Sorry, but you always want to sleep in." He watched as Puck hurried around the room, taking off his sweats and throwing on one of his good pairs of jeans and a nice top. "You're taking out the girl from Slytherin, right? Lauren something?"
"You actually like her, don't you?" Kurt observed as Puck actually brushed his stripe of hair.
"Shut up, I like a lot of people."
"But you're serious about this one, aren't you?"
"Shut up, Hummel." Puck said, and Kurt smirked. That was all the confirmation he needed.
"Good luck, in that case," He said as he headed to the door. "Oh, and Puck?" There was a hum of acknowledgement, "Don't be an ass and screw this up, okay?"
Kurt shut the door behind him, hearing Puck laugh. He called something out, but Kurt was already on his way down the stairs. He made his way out of the Gryffindor commons and down to the Great Hall. He spotted Blaine and Rachel chatting at the end of the table. He started making his way over when Oliver called out.
A bright smile graced Kurt's features as he waved and practically skipped over to the Slytherin table. Oliver stood when he reached the table and leaned down to give him a peck on the cheek.
"Morning beautiful."
Kurt blushed a bright red, "Morning."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Er, yeah. More or less." Kurt felt eyes on him and turned around to see Blaine staring at him. His expression was neutral as it had been for a while, but his eyes were blazing. "Would you… would you like to come eat at the Gryffindor table?"
Oliver's smile faltered slightly, but he nodded, "I'd be delighted. See you later, guys." He waved to his friends as he threw an arm over Kurt's shoulders and walked towards the Gryffindor table.
"Oh, hello Oliver." The brunette girl, Rachel, was it? Or was it Rose… He couldn't be sure. She was annoying as hell that was for sure. But he threw a bright smile her way.
"Good morning."
Kurt took the seat next to Blaine, leaving Oliver to sit next to him. He was a bit disappointed, but it would do. As soon as he was seated he threw his arm back over Kurt's shoulders. He grabbed the piece of toast Kurt had buttered and took a bite.
"Hey!" The boy exclaimed, obviously trying to appear angry, but failing.
"Nom nom nom." Oliver joked as he chewed, smiling down at the brunette. "Thanks, love."
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Blaine's jaw tighten and his fist clench. Oliver smirked and pulled Kurt in for a kiss that was much too inappropriate for the breakfast table. He pulled away when he felt the heavy weight of a hand on his shoulder. He gazed up and swallowed nervously.
"Hands off, punk." Puck said with a painful squeeze to his shoulder.
"Noah," Kurt warned, "He's my boyfriend, he's allowed to kiss me."
"Whatever," Puck grumbled before sitting down next to Rachel, who smiled at him and ruffled the pathetic strip of hair on his head. Oliver could never understand why the hell girls found it attractive. It looked bloody ridiculous, if anything.
"Hello Kurtsie," A blonde kid was sitting next to him and yawning, a brunette guy right behind him acting just as child-like.
"Morning Jeff, Nick." Jeff and Nick. Okay, gotta remember that. "Coming to Hogsmeade today?"
"Yeah," The brunette—Nick—was almost falling asleep as he put jelly on his toast. "We've got dates."
"How the hell did you two pull that off?" Puck asked with a snicker.
"Excuse us, Puckerman," Jeff stared with a frown.
"But we happen to be very attractive blokes. Right Kurt?" They finished each other's sentences'? Weird.
"I refuse to partake in this conversation." Kurt was holding a steaming cup of tea, hands wrapped around it and taking in the warmth as he breathed in the sent.
"You're no fun, has anyone ever told you that?"
"I'm plenty fun."
"Are not." Jeff argued.
"You're a total bore." Nick pointed out.
"I happen to find him fun." Oliver pointed out. The two boys to his left stopped eating with their hands frozen an inch from grabbing more food, and their mouths hanging open. Oliver glanced around to see Puck's jaw clenched as he glared daggers, Rachel's flustered and slightly shocked expression, Blaine's ice-cold glares and finally Kurt's bright red face. It suddenly hit Oliver that that sounded extremely inappropriate.
"No, no! Not like that!" He said hastily, "Oh, c'mon. Do you really think I'm that kind of guy?" Everyone's expressions darkened, and Blaine looked like he was ready to commit murder.
"I promise Kurt still has his innocence." Oliver said with a sigh, "Geez, I'm not that bad."
There was a short silence and then Kurt burst into a fit of giggles. Everyone at the table turned to look as he flat-out laughed, tears in his eyes and everything. Kurt's laughter brought on the laughter of almost everyone else at the table. They received a lot of strange looks from the people sitting at the other house table's, but no one could be bothered to care. They were quite used to it by this point.
"Your—expressions—were—priceless!" He wheezed out as he laughed. "Especially you, Blaine. Seriously, you looked about ready to murder him!"
Blaine was the only one in the group that hadn't laughed. In fact, he still looked quite murderous. His hands were clenched into tight fists, and his jaw was set. He was glaring at Oliver and no longer bothering to mask it anymore.
"Excuse me," He said stiffly as he got up and left the table, leaving everyone rather confused.
"What has been with him lately?" Kurt asked with annoyance in his voice. "He's been all snippy and closed off. It's like he doesn't want to be near me anymore."
"I don't think it's you," Oliver admitted quietly. "I don't think he likes me very much."
"Why not? You were one of his friends, right? Before he decided to join us." He motioned to the group, which was slowly growing, of kids from all four houses.
"Yeah. Or I thought so." Oliver sighed dramatically. "I guess he never liked me."
"You know what?" Kurt stood up abruptly. "I think I'll go have a little chat with him." And then he was walking out of the Great Hall and in the direction Blaine had went, leaving Oliver sitting awkwardly among his friends and just waiting for their questions and lectures to come.
"So Shunpike," Puck had turned to him as soon as Kurt was out of the hall. "I've got a few things to say to you."
Ah, there it was.
. . . . . . . .
"Blaine!" Kurt called down the corridor. Blaine looked over his shoulder briefly, but kept walking. "Blaine Anderson, you stop right now!" Kurt huffed, placing his hands on his hips. He knew his voice sounded more shill and high-pitched then usual, but he was not about to let Blaine keep acting like this without a good reason.
Blaine stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to Kurt. He was still frowning and he now had his hands in his pockets. "Well, what?"
Kurt glared as he walked forward, stopping only a couple inches away from Blaine. "What is wrong with you?"
"I said, what is wrong with you?"
"I heard what you said, Kurt," Blaine deadpanned. "I just don't know what you mean."
"You get all angry and defensive every time Oliver's around. You're always glaring at him and frowning, and every time I bring him up you find an excuse to leave, or change the subject. I don't care if you're feeling protective or something, there's a point where you need to draw the line."
"Protective, Kurt? Really?" Blaine let out a short laugh, "You think I'm acting the way I am because I'm being protective?"
"Well why else would you be acting this way? You tolerated him just fine when you were hanging out with his lot. What's changed?"
Blaine looked away and… was that a blush? Yes, that was definitely a blush. "It's different now. He's dating you."
"So what? Why on earth does that give you any right to-"
"Kurt!" Blaine shouted suddenly. "Do you seriously not get it?"
"Not get what?"
Blaine gave him a disbelieving look. He opened his mouth to say something but he seemed to change his mind, instead looking away and muttering, "Look, I just don't think you dating him is a good idea, okay?"
"Why? What is it about him?"
"Maybe the fact that he dropped you out of no where, didn't speak to you for years, and then you reunite and suddenly he's in love with you? Tell me that doesn't sound fishy."
"That doesn't sound fishy."
"Oh c'mon Kurt!" Blaine threw his hands up. "Whatever. Just don't come crying to me when it turns out he's just a prick trying to play with your emotions."
He started walking away again, and Kurt was getting more and more furious. "Why can't you just let me be happy, Blaine?" He called after him, "Why can't you just accept that someone could maybe like me for a change? Why do you have to ruin it?"
When he turned back this time, Blaine looked sad. "I don't doubt that people like you Kurt, that people love you. I just… I don't think he's one of them."
Kurt gaped at he watched Blaine walk away. He felt like he was frozen, and he had no idea why. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder that Kurt was able to look away from the empty space that Blaine had occupied. He glanced over to see Finn looking quite concerned.
"You okay, little bro?"
"I'm older then you, Finn. But yes, I'm fine."
Finn tilted his head to the side, "You've been standing here for a while."
"I was lost in thought, I suppose."
"Oh… okay. Well, everyone's wondering where you are. Santana's started making really gross jokes that I don't wanna hear. 'Cause you're my bro now, so that's… weird."
Kurt laughed and turned back to the Great Hall with Finn by his side. He sat down and felt everyone's questioning gazes, but they thankfully didn't prod. He tried to appear eager for his date with Oliver, but Blaine had put him in a bad mood. And Kurt still didn't know what his bloody problem was!
After breakfast he watched everyone split off into their pairs; Finn with a Slytherin girl named Quinn—who Kurt really didn't like, Noah with Lauren, Mercedes had Sam and Rachel to hang out with. Even the Ravenclaw love square had figured itself out for the holiday—though Kurt wasn't sure about Brittney and Artie. He had always thought that Artie and Tina were more… fitted to each other—and he wanted to badly to just be happy like the lot of them. At this moment, he hated Blaine Anderson with a passion, but he was determined to enjoy his day just to prove to Blaine that he had no control over him.
He walked down to Hogsmeade with his fingers laced through Oliver's. They fell into the comfortable conversation they always did and when they got into a snowball fight with Jeff and Nick half way there, Kurt didn't even complain.
"Where do you want to go first?" Oliver asked when they reached the town.
"Well, I've gotta do some shopping for dad and Carol and Finn," He looked at Oliver with the tiniest of grins, "And you of course."
"Oh, you don't have to worry about getting me anything, Kurt."
"Nonsense, I love to shop. Plus, you're my-" Kurt stopped midsentence when he realized that they hadn't used that term yet. What if that wasn't what they were? Wait, what? Of course that's what they were. He had asked Kurt out, hadn't he? But what if he didn't want other people knowing? Or what if he didn't like that term?
"Kurt?" Oliver asked, seeing his internal struggle playing out in his facial expressions. He turned so he was face-to-face with Kurt, placing his unoccupied hand on his arm and rubbing gently. "Kurt, it's okay. You can call me your boyfriend."
Oliver tried to hold back a laugh when Kurt sighed in relief. "Well, yes. You're my… boyfriend so I think getting you a gift is appropriate."
Oliver's chest swelled at the look on Kurt's face. Absolutely adorable, that's what he is. He internally shook his head. No, he didn't like Kurt, what the hell was he thinking that for?
"Why don't we go to the Three Broomsticks?" He suggested, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that was quickly growing in his chest, "I'll buy you a Butterbeer."
"Mm, okay." Kurt smiled up at him brightly and he felt another pang. As they walked in the direction of the bar, Oliver tried to think about what in God's name was going on. They reached the door, which he politely held for Kurt who blushed in return, and he still hadn't figured it out. So he decided to put it in the back of his mind and just ignore it.
"Why don't you grab a table, I'll grab the drinks?" Kurt nodded and headed towards a booth in the back of the room while Oliver headed to the bar. "Two Butterbeer's please," He told the barmaid, placing a couple coins down on the countertop and grabbing the steaming cups in front of him.
He placed them on the table and scooted in next to Kurt, throwing an arm over his shoulder and kissing his neck gently. He didn't know why he was being so clingy; it just felt right.
. . . . . . . .
Blaine watched from a distance as Kurt walked hand in hand with Shunpike, feeling sick to his stomach. He tried to ignore them; advert his gaze, but he was constantly drawn back to the couple. He hated how happy Kurt looked. He hated that Shunpike was making him that happy. It wasn't fair. That was his job. He was supposed to be making Kurt blush and stutter and smile.
But no, he was doing the opposite, it seemed. Instead he was making Kurt feel unloved because he was an idiot who didn't know how to word things properly. He was making Kurt hate him, and it was killing him inside.
Blaine watched as they walked into the Three Broomsticks, and it wasn't until the slam of the door behind them when he realized he was standing alone with no real purpose to being here. Blaine decided that it'd be best to just… steer clear of the couple and instead focus on his Christmas shopping.
He walked around Hogsmeade, popping into different shops and picking things up for his mum and dad. He saw the familiar faces of his friends and their dates, but he wasn't even glanced at. It seemed like everyone else had someone and he was, once again, alone. And Blaine hated it.
He stomped his way around town, going in and out of the remaining shops looking for gifts for said friends. He found something for everyone but Kurt. Was he allowed to get Kurt a gift? Would Kurt even accept it? He eventually decided that it wouldn't be a big deal and went into one of the clothing shops. He remembered Kurt saying something about loving scarves, so he'd get him a scarf.
He walked out of the store just under fifteen minutes later with a satisfied grin on his face and another bag in his hand. He was about to make the trek back to the castle when he realized that he hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet. So he hopped into the Three Broomsticks to grab a Butterbeer—which was too addicting for its own good. When he opened the door his eyes went straight to a table in the back of the room where Shunpike currently had his tongue shoved down Kurt's throat. Blaine tightened his grip on his bags to stop himself from stomping over and ripping him away from Kurt. Instead, he walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools.
"What can I get you, sweet cheeks?" The barmaid asked with a wink as she, quite obviously, pushed her bust out.
"Butterbeer," Blaine huffed. The barmaid seemed a bit taken aback at his foul mood and scurried to get his drink. Blaine threw the coins on the wood counter and took a large gulp of his drink.
He could feel people's gazes on him, but all he could focus on was the kissing couple in the corner of his eye. He hated this. He hated Oliver, he hated being alone, he just hated it here now. Blaine realized that that sounded a lot like an immature child complaining about not getting what he wants, but he couldn't help it. It just wasn't fair that Shunpike got Kurt when Blaine would be so much better for him. It wasn't fair that Shunpike got to be the one to make him finally feel loved. That was supposed to be his job.
. . . . .
Kurt walked into the Gryffindor dorms five minutes before curfew. He had a giddy smile plastered on his face and he was humming to himself. He wanted nothing more than to gush to Mercedes about his day and, not for the first time, he cursed the houses. What is one supposed to do when his best friend is in Hufflepuff?
"Hi Princess," Puck said, making Kurt jump. He was sitting on the window sill with his guitar in his lap. He looked happier than Kurt had seen him in ages.
"Good evening, Noah."
"How was your date?"
Kurt sighed happily and plopped down next to the mohawked Gryffindor, "Amazing. Oliver is… Amazing, and it was all just so..."
"Amazing?" Puck asked, graciously taking the playful punch to his arm.
"And yours?"
"It was great. Lauren's different then everyone else I've dated. She isn't controlling like Quinn, she's not a bitch like Santana and she's not yappy like Rachel. She holds her head high and isn't even phased by my badassness."
"Wow, that is shocking," Kurt said sarcastically, "That someone doesn't find you scary? Hmm."
"Oh, go away. You know what I mean."
"I do." The fell into a momentary silence before Kurt nodded at Puck's guitar. "Whatcha playing?"
He shrugged. "I dunno, I just wanted to play. Wanna sing for me, Princess?"
Kurt smiled and nodded. No one else was back at the dorm yet, so it wasn't like they'd wake anyone up. He leaned over to whisper something in Puck's ear.  He rolled his eyes at Kurt's request, but nodded and started playing.
"Will you count me in?" Puck counted quietly to three and Kurt started singing.

I've been awake for a while now,
you got me feeling like a child now.
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face,
I get the tingles in a silly place.
It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose,
Wherever it goes, I'll always know.
That you make me smile,
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.

Kurt stood up and danced around the middle of the room with his eyes closed.

The rain is falling on my window pane,
But we are hiding in a safer place.
Uncovers staying safe and warm,
You give me feelings that I adore.

They start in my toes make me crinkle my nose,
Wherever it goes, I always know.
That you make me smile,
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.

What am I gunna say?
When you make feel this way.
I just… mmm.

And it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose,
Wherever it goes, I always know.
That you make me smile,
Please stay for a while now,
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.

Kurt opened his eyes to see Blaine standing in the doorway with a shocked expression. Kurt felt like he should stop singing, but he wanted to show Blaine that he was happy despite all his best efforts.

I've been asleep for a while now,
You tuck me in just like a child now.
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms,
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth.

It starts in my soul and I loose all control,
When you kiss my nose, the feeling shows.
'Cause you make me smile,
Baby just take your time now,
Holding me tight.

He held Blaine's gaze as he sang, ignoring the uncomfortable feelings coming from Puck's direction.

Wherever, wherever, wherever,
Wherever you go.
Wherever, wherever,
Wherever you go.
Ooh, wherever you go,
I'll always know.
You make me smile, even just for a while.
5. Looking in the Wrong Places
I am on a writing streak right now, seriously.
But yeah. I know that the time line on this is a bit strange, but I hope it's not too hard to follow. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I really hope you all don't hate Oliver... actually, feel free to hate Oliver. Just don't hate me for writing him. But he's starting to grow on me, even if he is the "villian". But then, I know what's going to happen with him.
© 2011 - 2024 accioglee
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SlytherinPrincess66's avatar
I love when Puck say Wanna sing for my Princess?